Masuk Daftar

bekerja penuh bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bekerja penuh"
  • bekerja:    go to work; laboring; turn a finger; turned a
  • penuh:    built up; full; full fledge; heaving full;
  • mulai bekerja penuh semangat:    threw into
  • bekerja:    go to work; laboring; turn a finger; turned a finger; turning a finger; work; worked; working; wrought; at work; employed; function; go along; operate; assist; do work; run; exercise; work out; atte
  • penuh:    built up; full; full fledge; heaving full; mistrustful; rapt; replete; rife; saturate; thick with; brim; busy; cluttered; crowded; fill; filled; full of; solid; teem; thick; unreserved; downright; e
  • bekerja baik:    did well
  • bekerja berat:    fetch and carry; fetched and carry; fetching and carry; work hard
  • bekerja bersama:    working together; between
  • bekerja cepat:    leaped a bounds; leaping a bounds
  • bekerja ganda:    acting double; double acting
  • bekerja giat:    peg at; peg away; pegged at; pegged away; pegging at; pegging away; work away; worked away; working away
  • bekerja halal -:    work way
  • bekerja keras:    buckle to; buckled to; buckling to; came down to business; come down to business; coming down to business; labor; labour for; laboured for; labouring for; moil; moiled; moiling; plug away; plugged a
  • bekerja keras -:    keep nose to the grindstone
  • bekerja lancar:    do well; doing well
  • There were others, like myself, who were full-time.
    Ada orang lainnya, seperti saya, yang bekerja penuh.
  • Of course, you're not actually working the whole time.
    Tentu saja, Anda sebenarnya tidak bekerja penuh.
  • You start work full time at the factory today.
    kamu mulai bekerja penuh di pabrik hari ini.
  • I don't know, not till I'm full time I guess.
    Entahlah, kurasa tidak sampai aku bekerja penuh waktu.
  • Fixed it, love. Working like a charm.
    Perbaiki itu, sayang. bekerja penuh pesona.
  • We are part of an elite sorority,
    wanita bisa bekerja penuh sebagai pria
  • Well, unless things take a turn, we're all out of work.
    Yah, Setidaknya membalikkan keadaan, Kita semua bekerja penuh.
  • About you coming to work full time as my assistant.
    Tentang Anda datang untuk bekerja penuh waktu sebagai asisten saya.
  • My dad worked all the time too.
    Ayahku bekerja penuh juga.
  • I can work full time once I'm out of here.
    Saya bisa bekerja penuh waktu begitu gue keluar dari sini .
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5